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4.30 The Little Things

4.29 Building Update

4.28 Your Response to These Times

4.27 Una Motivación Practica

4.27 How Strong Are You?

4.24 Practical Encouragement

4.23 Contentment

4.22 Being Filled

4.21 Animándonos Unos a Otros

4.21 The Importance of Encouragement

4.20 Staying Spiritually Sharp

4.17 Be Still

4.16 Fe, Miedo o Los Dos?

4.16 Who Can We Help?

4.15 Trust God

4.14 Be Encouraged

4.13 La Bendición del Salmos 23

4.13 Who is in Control?

4.10 Faith, Fear, or Both?

4.9 Precious Promises

4.8 Our Big Sunday

4.7 Easter is Coming!

4.6 La Necesidad de la Disciplina

4.6 Our Spiritual Temperature

4.3 Unas Palabras Sobre la Necesidad del Compromiso

4.3 Look at the Bright Side

4.2 Don't Be Spiritually Distant

4.1 Count Your Blessings

3.31 That Same God

3.30 Espiritualmente Limpio

3.30 Spiritually Clean

3.27 Stay Faithful and Prepared

3.26 Exercising Encouragement

3.25 Keep Our Eyes on Jesus

3.24 Consistency and Creativity

3.24 Unas Palabras De Motivación

3.23 Stay Focused on Christ

3.20 It Shall Be Well

3.19 We Serve a Great God

3.18 The Power of Prayer

3.17 Redeeming the Time

3.16 Treating the Live Stream as We Do Church

© Pacific Baptist Church


Pacific Baptist Church

Call Us

We are available from the hours of
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Phone: (562) 424-7714
Fax: (562) 426-3324

Email Us

Please allow 48 hours for a reply.

Visit Us:

Pacific Baptist Church
3332 Magnolia Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90806

Service Times

Pacific Baptist Church

Sunday School 9:30 AM
Morning Service 10:30 AM
Evening Service 5:00 PM
Thursday Service 7:00 PM

Children's Ministry

Sunday Evening Patch Club 5:00 PM

Reformers Unanimous

Friday 7:00 PM

Spanish Ministry

Escuela dominical 12:30 PM
Servicio de la Mañana 1:30 PM
Servicio de Noche 7:00 PM
Servicio Miércoles 7:00 PM

Khmer Ministry

Sunday School 9:30 AM
Morning Service 10:30 AM
Evening Service 5:00 PM

Filipino Ministry

Sunday School 9:30 AM
Morning Service 10:30 AM
Evening Service 5:00 PM
Thursday Service 7:00 PM

Hands of Fellowship

Sunday School 9:30 AM
Morning Service 10:30 AM
Evening Service 5:00 PM
Thursday Service 7:00 PM