Step One

Salvation: The beginning of a personal relationship with the Lord by placing your faith in Jesus Christ. (Mark 12:30) Learn More

Baptism: Baptism by immersion is the first step of obedience for a Christian who has received the gift of salvation. Sign Up for Baptism

Daily Time with God: Do you want to know Christ, his commands, encouragement, and love on a personal level? Your daily time in the Word and prayer are vital to your Christian growth! (I Peter 2:2) Begin Devotions

Step Two

Sunday School Membership: Join a small group where you can connect, grow, and fellowship with other believers. (Mark 12:31) Find a Class

Church Membership: Identify with Christ and His people by becoming a part of our local church. (Hebrews 12:25) Become a Member

Step Three

Discipleship Class: A time to get to know the "what's", "why's", and "how's" of what a Christian should be and how that works out at our church. (Luke 14:26-27) Sign Up

Giving: We encourage the people of PBC to follow God's command to tithe 10%. You can find out more of God's principles about giving or to get to our online giving page. (Romans 12:1) Begin Giving

Step Four

Serving: Every believer has a place in which God has called them to serve. (Ephesians 4:11-12) Find your Place

Soul Winning: Sharing the gospel with a world that needs Christ is every Christian's responsibility. Join us during one of our soul winning opportunities throughout the week. (Matthew 28:19-20) Learn More

© Pacific Baptist Church


Step One: Salvation

If you have recently accepted Christ or are wanting more information on how to begin a relationship with Jesus, please take a second and fill out this form.

Step One: Baptism

If you have accepted Christ and are now wanting to be baptized or get more information about baptism, please take a minute and fill out this form.

Step One: Devotion

If you'd like someone to help you to know how to have a daily time with God, please fill out the form below.

Are you saved and seeking a successful life?

There is only ONE PLACE in the entire Bible that we find the word "success" and that is through you daily reading of God's Word, the Bible.

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
—Joshua 1:8

Are you ready to embark on an incredible joy that is found by walking with the Savior? You can start today! All it takes is a desire to know God and do what the Bible says.

Where to Start:

We have laid out a very easy to follow plan for those just starting their journey walking with Jesus Christ by reading His Word! By clicking below you are not only receiving a schedule, but are also taking the step toward an intimate and fruitful relationship that will change your life forever!

The Book of John

If you've never read your Bible before, you can start today by reading the book of John, a simple book that tells you about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

A Proverb A Day

The book of Proverbs is packed with wisdom for the believer in everyday life. From finances to marriage and from raising children to how to deal with angry people, reading and applying God's wisdom from the book of Proverbs can change your life! The book of Proverbs has 31 chapters, so you can read it through in a month!

Read in a Year

If you follow it each day, you can read through the entire Bible in a year.

We encourage you to start today. God will truly bless you for it!

Step Two: Sunday School Membership

Are you interested in finding a small group that is just right for you, please fill out this form.

Click here for a list of Sunday school classes.

Step Two: Church Membership

Are you interested in joining Pacific Baptist Church? Fill out this form to receive more information about what membership at PBC is all about.

Step Three: Discipleship Class

Do you want to join a discipleship group here at PBC?

Step Three: Giving

There are different "stages" of giving here at PBC. Where to you fall? Will you take your next step?

I am a Non Giver: I have never given before, but I would like to step up and give.

I am a New Giver: I have given once before, but I would like to step up and tithe.

I am a Systematic Giver: I tithe, but would like to step up and become a generous giver.

I am a Generous Giver: I give above the tithe, but would like to begin giving to bus ministry, missions, and/or building.

 Begin Giving 

Step Four: Serving

There are scores of ministry opportunities at Pacific Baptist Church.

  • Administrative/Church Office
  • Volunteer
  • Adult Sunday School
  • Bookstore
  • Bus Driver
  • Bus Mechanics
  • Bus Ministry Worker
  • Children's Sunday School
  • Christian School Aid
  • Deaf Ministry
  • Dinner Series
  • Filipino
  • Greeters
  • Janitorial
  • Job Site Volunteer
  • Khmer
  • Ladies Fellowship
  • Landscape
  • Maintenance
  • Meals for Mothers, the Ill, or the Jobsite
  • Music Ministry
  • Nursery
  • Offering Counting
  • Orchestra
  • Parking Attendants
  • Patch
  • Prayer
  • Primary and Junior Church
  • Reformers
  • Unanimous
  • Security
  • Senior Saints
  • Soul Winning
  • Spanish
  • Sports
  • Summer Skills Kid's Class
  • Teen Sunday School
  • Ushers
  • Youth

Step Four: Soul Winning

Are you interested in getting more information about our soul winning times? Fill out this form to get more information about our soul winning times.

Pacific Baptist Church

Call Us

We are available from the hours of
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Phone: (562) 424-7714
Fax: (562) 424-3324

Email Us

Please allow 48 hours for a reply.

Visit Us:

Pacific Baptist Church
3332 Magnolia Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90806

Service Times

Pacific Baptist Church

Sunday School 9:30 AM
Morning Service 10:30 AM
Evening Service 5:00 PM
Thursday Service 7:00 PM

Children's Ministry

Sunday Evening Patch Club 5:00 PM

Reformers Unanimous

Friday 7:00 PM

Spanish Ministry

Escuela dominical 12:30 PM
Servicio de la Mañana 1:30 PM
Servicio de Noche 7:00 PM
Servicio Miércoles 7:00 PM

Khmer Ministry

Sunday School 9:30 AM
Morning Service 10:30 AM
Evening Service 5:00 PM

Filipino Ministry

Sunday School 9:30 AM
Morning Service 10:30 AM
Evening Service 5:00 PM
Thursday Service 7:00 PM

Hands of Fellowship

Sunday School 9:30 AM
Morning Service 10:30 AM
Evening Service 5:00 PM
Thursday Service 7:00 PM<